Todyl Detection Engineering deep-dive: A stroll through PowerShell script reversing


  • After Todyl’s Managed eXtended Detection and Response (MXDR) team flagged a new PowerShell script appearing on an endpoint, the Detection Engineering team began analyzing the details to understand the threat and assess impact.
  • The team hunted for adjacent activity across the MXDR customer base and created new managed Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) rules to ensure future detection and prevention for Todyl customers.
  • In this blog, we explore what the core components of what a malicious PowerShell script may look like and how to perform analysis of similar scripts.  

Todyl’s Detection Engineering team plays a vital role in building detections into the Todyl Platform to create new managed Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) rules. These rules and detections keep our partners protected from new threat actors and the latest tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs).  

When Todyl's Managed eXtended Detection and Response (MXDR) discovered a new PowerShell script running on a partner’s endpoint, the Detection Engineering team jumped into action. In this instance, the encryption in the malware file was extremely sophisticated, so our team wanted to take the time to fully dissect the execution flow and help the partner and customer gain a better understanding of the scope of the attempted attack.  

When cases like this appear, we have a standard internal process we follow to research malware variants like this one. To start off, there were a few questions that really stood out to us following initial sandbox analysis, including:  

  • How did they get PowerShell to execute so many protected cmdlets?  
  • What was the final stage?  
  • Why was there no Cobalt Strike beacon alerting/detections firing, or follow-on binaries shown after script execution?  

This process began with some JavaScript, which then triggered a PowerShell script execution. What followed was a complex series of encoded exchanges and a five-stage script that masked each step, which grew more convoluted with every iteration.

Despite the intricacies of this encoding and decoding process, the process ended with an elaborate sequence with an unexpectedly simple implementation. This whole process serves as a reminder of the complex layers of cybersecurity threats, where elaborate maneuvers might culminate in unexpectedly straightforward outcomes.  

The deep dive  

We first identified the following encoded PowerShell script, and often when we see encoded contents like what’s shown in figure 1, we will send it through internal tooling to attempt to decode it. However, for the purpose of this walkthrough, we will be primarily utilizing built-in Windows functionality and script interpreters to showcase how anyone can approach this.

Figure 1: Compressed PowerShell script contents

First, we expand the contents of the script to make it easier to read and ultimately understand.

Figure 2: Expanded PowerShell script contents

A few things to note with this is we see the declaration of the ua40vc81y7nriz3pkwosbjlh9df function which contains the majority of the code for this program. We first identify where this function is called.

Figure 3: Identifying where the primary function is called

This function accepts a parameter, in this case a base64 string, which provides additional context for the function and how it is used. Next, we will break down the details of what this does.

Figure 4: Initial analysis of the function base64

As a next step, we take the contents of the string and throw it into a data analysis tool to help us with this decoding process.  

We can see that they are reading in a string bz241hxonstk as bytes, and then performing some iteration over both the base64 decoded string as well as the bytes string.  

Figure 6: Details of the decoding operation

A few things to note about this is that the function is continuously iterating over the base64 string and is utilizing the -bxor switch. This is a common method of obfuscation to XOR the string contents.  

When dealing with XOR encryption, an encryption key is mandatory to decode the associated data properly. We can see that the GetBytes function passes in the string “bz241hxonstk” we can utilize this as the “key” parameter to the contents of the XOR encrypted string.  

Figure 7: Decrypting the contents of the XOR encrypted string

For the last part of the script, we see that the contents are then converted into a memory stream, and then GzipStream is utilized to decompress the converted data. Once that is done it changes it to a byte array and returns it from the function.

Figure 8: Data decompression

Armed with this knowledge, we go back tounzip this data and see what we get. After this function exits, we do see Invoke-Expression (IEX) This indicates that PowerShell is now running the decoded and decrypted script.

Figure 9: Decoded contents of the PowerShell script

We’ve successfully decoded contents and discovered that it’s obfuscated PowerShell. This is a common occurrence when reversing code. Adversaries will often go through extensive steps to obfuscate their actions to evade antivirus heuristics engines, static signature checks, and many other techniques.

Second stage

Now that we have the second stage of encoded PowerShell extracted following our analysis, we can begin to follow similar steps to the previous script; the first step being formatting the PowerShell using the Integrated Scripting Environment (ISE).

Figure 10: PowerShell script contents in ISE  

Adversaries have employed a new obfuscation technique for this stage of the attack, character encoding. This technique leverages the use of non-character representations to create strings, for example, character A could be represented as decimal 65. Adversaries will use this technique to slow down the reversal process and bypass signature-based checks.

Figure 11: Example character encoding which equates to “invoke-expression”

Utilizing these methods and changing variable names to more readable types we get something that is now human readable.

Figure 12: Decoded script contents showing the download and execution of a payload

First, we see that they create an alias for Invoke-Expression and assign it to the rzs variable. This technique allows adversaries to utilize Invoke-Expression functionality by calling the command “rzs”. Allowing them to reduce the number of direct calls to Invoke-Expression.  

After that, we see them implement a pseudo-random number generation technique. Leveraging this technique adversaries will perform a mathematical operation, often seeded with a time metric such as the current date to create an expected 15-digit long string.  

Utilizing this method, adversaries can create a domain name that may seem random but is completely expected and can be utilized to automatically change the domain names to bypass signature-based detections. Once crafted, they utilize the rzs (Invoke-Expression) alias on what is pulled down from the remote webpage.  

There are two interesting things to note with this:

  1. Utilizing the date to seed the random number generation with the letters A - N can be performed on both the client and server side. As the characters change as the date changes, adversaries then buy the domain and host the malware on that domain continuously. This will help evade signature-based detections.
  2. There seems to be a tracker token of 523 at the end of the URL, which is likely a token to associate the compromised asset among the many established connections to adversary infrastructure.

Third stage  

Upon retrieving the contents, we receive an additional encoded PowerShell script. This one utilizes numerous mathematical functions along with a similar decimal to ASCII conversion technique to de-obfuscate the script’s functions at runtime.

Figure 13: Third stage payload analysis

For this first part, they utilize mathematics to obfuscate their strings. The best way to work through these is to break down the individual variables and print them out to the console to build out the commands. Once we have done this, we get figure 14 below.  

Figure 14: Mathematical obfuscation techniques

Here we see our first sign of antivirus manipulation. They utilize PowerShell to disable the Microsoft Anti-Malware Scan Interface (AMSI) allowing them to run further scripts unincumbered.  

For the second part, we’ll use the same technique as before, by decoding from base64 and using the same XOR key to decrypt the contents of the script.

Figure 15: Decoding base64 encoded commands and decrypting with an XOR key  

Fourth stage

This script has four primary parts, three switch statements and one conclusion part. What we do first is identify the “meat and potatoes” of this script and work backwards, but the final part that contains the main functionality builds off the first three switch statements. So, we must break it all down:

First switch

Figure 16: String obfuscation technique

They are utilizing similar string obfuscation techniques as shown before, decoding these we get something like figure 17 shown below.  

Figure 17: Decoded string obfuscation technique

We’ve identified another Virtual Machine (VM) detection mechanism. The adversaries utilize the Get-mpComputerStatus cmdlet and check for the value in IsVirtualMachine, however they then add random values to the $juhdtvzxgc variable. That’s not typical behavior, we should keep an eye on the variable to see how it is utilized.

Second switch

This switch exhibits the same behavior, acting as a VM Detection mechanism with an abstract addition to the $juhdtvzxgc variable, as an attempt to subvert common sandbox malware detonation detections.

Figure 18: Virtual Machine Detection

Third switch

Another similar switch case, this time targeting Win32_CacheMemory for the switch conditions (figure 19).

Figure 19: Evaluating the cache memory as a final sandbox evasion technique

Final section

In the final section of the script, we can see where everything comes together.  

Figure 20: The “meat and potatoes”  

First, we see the same Get-Date random generation for the URL that we saw in the first script. This is utilized to generate the same domain name as before.

Figure 21: Domain name generation

After this we see the appending of .top to that domain name. Once that is complete, we see the generation of two random strings. One 10 digits long with htr appended to the end of it making it 13 digits long, the other is five digits long.

Figure 22: Domain generation final stage

The final step is crafting the curl command to retrieve the next stage, we see the cumulation of all the parts of the earlier script:

  • $m3ipfbe9oq6hv4k = Get-Date generated URL + .top
  • $jdfinha9eos62kw = Random 10 digit string + hta
  • $env:computername = Local computer’s name
  • $juhdtvzxgc = Switch-Case generated math value
Figure 23: Curl command which includes the local computer name and a unique identifier key

With all of this built out we get an example domain like the one commented above. A very important thing to note is the id key in the URL which will be utilized to associate the web call with the local computer name.

Second thing to note is the key value—this was automatically generated from all the switch case statements this will allow the adversary to “fingerprint” your host and remotely send an obfuscated number to the remote server.  

Some reasons to do this:

  • Obfuscation
  • Custom payload for next stage based off of Chipset & other
  • VM Detect to not retrieve valid payload
  • Tracking of compromised assets for remote access management

Now that we understand the URL crafting, we created a script to automatically create all permutations of the key value for any given host and send them to the server in the hopes for a response!

The let down

Sadly, we don’t receive any response, which could happen for a variety of reasons. For example, it might tear down if it gets a Hypervisor value. So, the next thought was “what else are they hosting on their domains?”. A quick brute force of directories using a common word list and we see that they in fact have a 2.php with some PowerShell.  

Figure 24: 2.php file with PowerShell contents

Same as before we do some decoding of the ASCII characters and throw it into a script interpreter, and we get something like in figure 25 below.  

Figure 25: Downloading of a .NET assembly payload

At this stage we receive bad news—the final three lines have been commented out as to not pull down the next stage .NET assembly file ruzxs.exe. A quick look into the website shows that there is currently no active file staged there, and is an anonymous file hosting site, so asking for identification of the threat actor has a low likelihood.  

Inserting image...
Figure 26: Missing executable  
Inserting image...
Figure 27: file hosting service

This means that it’s the end of the line for this execution chain. However, now that the Todyl team is armed with the algorithm for domain generation, we will continue to monitor this threat actor for when they decide to go live once again.  

If you'd like to learn more about how Todyl’s MXDR and Detection Engineering teams saved the day for a partner, sparing their client from a ransomware attack, read this case study.

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