Stopping BEC and building client trust with a security-first mindset

After onboarding a new client and rolling out Todyl to their systems, Justin Smith and his team and Midshore Technology Services found something was amiss. Confirming with MXDR and the client, Smith determined that Microsoft accounts within the company had been compromised.

It took less than 20 minutes to root out the bad actors, who were using the compromised accounts to perform business email compromise (BEC) on actual employees within the company. Thanks to Smith's quick work with support from Todyl MXDR, the company was secured from further attacks and the accounts were deactivated.

Download this case study to read the full story and learn how Smith's security-first approach to managed services not only helped with this attack, but is helping him expand his business, too.

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We're able to do things other MSPs can't because we have Todyl.

- Justin Smith, President, Midshore Technology Services

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